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Saturn (‘Shani’ in Sanskrit) is one of the 9 planets and is considered one of the most important in the study of astrology. Saturn is considered the harbinger of bad luck. It is said that if one is ‘suffering’ because of the positioning of Saturn in ones chart, he should pour oil over Hanumanji.

It is said that once, while Hanumanji was busy praying to Lord Rama, Saturn sat on his head. Inspite of Hanumanji pelting stones at him, Saturn did not budge. Hanumanji got tired and dived into the sea.

Saturn was hurt and requested Hanumanji to take him out from the sea; the salty water was making the pain worse. Hanumanji agreed to help him only if he (Saturn) promised, never again to trouble him. He helped Saturn out of the water, but kept him under his left foot. Saturn’s body was still burning. Hanumanji said that he would anoint oil to soothe the body of Saturn. Till date, one finds Saturn’s statue under Hanumanji’s left foot. Oil is poured by the devotees of Hanumanji under the latter’s left foot.

The worship of Hanumanji, symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord.

Those who are familiar with Hinduism and the epic Ramayana know Hanumanji very well. He is considered to be the greatest devotee ever born on earth. He is blessed by Sita, wife of Lord Rama, to remain active on the earth plane till the end of the time cycle.

Hanumanji is a combination of strength, wisdom, energy and service. Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Hanumanji. Hanumanji was an ardent devotee of Rama, and is worshipped for his unflinching devotion to the god. Hanumanji is said to be able to assume any form at will, wield rocks, move mountains, dart through the air, seize the clouds and rival Vishnu's bird, Garuda in swiftness off light. He is worshipped in folk tradition as a deity with magical powers and the ability to conquer evil spirits.


Hanumanji symbolizes the qualities of an ideal devotee of God, which can be represented by the letters of his name, as follows:

Hopefulness, Admiration, Nobility, Understanding, Mastery over ego, Achievements & Nishkama-karma

Hanumanji symbolically stands for pure devotion, complete surrender and absence of ego or the lower self. As the son of Vayu, symbolically he also stands for the subtle body consisting of the breath body, the mental body and the intelligence body.

Here we explain Hanumanji as the mental body in a human being:

  • The mind is fickle (like a monkey) and jumps from place to place, going after things, engaging itself in innumerable activities that disturb the peace of the place. The mind, like Hanumanji can also travel where it wants to. It can fly in the air, cross the continents and the worlds in an instant with the speed of thought and reach any one and anything it wants to mentally.  

  • It can also expand or contracts itself at will like Hanumanji. So long as it remains under the control of pure animal passions and the activities of the sense, it remains unstable and mischievous, causing a lot of the disturbance in the world of the individual.  

  • But once it surrenders to the inner self and becomes devoted to it completely and unconditionally, it assumes miraculous powers and performs stupendous feats like Hanumanji, working for the divine cause helping the lower self (Sita) and the Soul (Rama) to come together and become united.  

  • By killing all the evil thoughts with its determination, it also lays a firm foundation for the kingdom of God (Ramarajya) to become established in the body. Hanumanji is thus symbolically the mind principle ever absorbed in the contemplation of God and totally surrendered to Him.

  • But this is not the only interpretation available for Hanumanji. As Hanumanji, he is the one without any doubt (anuman) as to the existence of Rama (God). As Anjaniputra, he is the one who comes accidentally into this world, but by his efforts ascends to the greater heights of spiritual evolution.

  • As Vayuputra he is the breath body in us and can help the lower self (Sita) that is lost to ignorance to reunite with its true companion, the inner soul (Rama). As Veeranjaneya, he is the source of courage and confidence for many a timid heart.  

  • As Bhajarangbali, he is strong in both devotion and physical strength. He is an ocean of virtues and friend of the pure hearted. He loves the ascetic qualities in man because only those who are detached and mentally free from the luxuries of life and desires of their bodies can truly concentrate on the divine and attain Him.

  • Hanumanji is regarded as the Superman, the perfect man, the knowledge body (gnana guna sagara) in man, the immortal man (chiranjeevi) and also the animal man (va+nara).  

  • He is a perfect example of true devotion and complete surrender. He also symbolizes the story of animal man in us who through the path of devotion and service to God, can purify himself and attain immortality.

  • Truly in the entire Hindu pantheon there in none like Shri Hanumanji, for he was an evolved God, born strangely as a manifestation of Lord Shiva, but became a great devotee of Shri Mahavishnu through Lord Rama.

There is unlimited power enclosed within us. When all that energy is directed towards the worship of God, it is called Bhakti or Devotion. This is exemplified by Hanumanji. If that energy is utilised for our selfish interests, it can result in downfall and destruction, as exemplified by Ravana. If we treat our potentialities with indifference they fritter away in all directions and are completely wasted. This is represented by common people all over the world who are not making any effort to advance along the spiritual path.

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Last modified: Friday November 10, 2006